Sunday, August 19, 2018

Sooo. I mapped the 2000 to 2014 Laser Strike Incidents - Sorta

UPDATE: Soooo. I kinda didn't like the map. I looked over the map and noticed I was missing some information. I'll plug it in, when I get a sec. Until then, I embedded the data itself. Oh and I included 2015 to 2018. Yeah. I'm awesome like that.

Huge nerd here. Yup. I was talking with Doug Patteson, one of the dopest people on the Interwebz, about laser strike incidents. Basically, it's when some idiot decides to take a laser and aim it at flying aircraft. It's incredibly stupid because it could potentially blind pilots and crash airplanes. Law enforcement has stepped its game up since we first heard of these things. Alas, I digress.

Check out the map. I didn't collect the data. These dudes did and they did some great analysis on it as well.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

The Tale of a Very Bad Gun Safe

So this is terrible. Like super duper bad. I LOVE me some Harbor Freight but this gun safe sucks.

This dude hits the lock so many ways that it seems unfair. Seriously. It's a very bad gun safe.
  1. You can do it without leaving any discernible forensic trace. Tool marks might be found on the interior and may some small nicks on the front. That's if you're sloppy.
  2. The entire security of the safe rests in the PIN code and a reset button. Both of which are easily bypassed.
  3. The front door of the safe has a gap large enough to allow any thing tool access to the reset button and the release.
  4. The top peels off and exposes a hole for access to the interior.
  5. There are holes along the sides which allow access to the reset button.
Thankfully, it's been recalled by Harbor Freight. It's bad. Have a watch. (h/t @DeviantOllam)

Deviant Ollam Is Thinking About Doing A Smartphone App

Update: It looks like a Twitter user brought up, Haven - The Guardian Project's physical security app developed by Edward Snowden.

Welp, it looks like @DeviantOllam, the physical security penetration tester and trainer, is looking to do a hotel room security app. If he can check off all the boxes and can provide some more features, I'd be all in.
What would I be looking for in a physical security smartphone app?

  1. Various ways to notify users of an event. Push alerts to my other devices would be great, as well as home AI integration with Alexa or Google Home.
  2. Motion sensor sensitivity and detection range settings that are user-friendly. Other apps do this but they don't walk you through these settings.
  3. The ability to choose between cloud storage or phone storage.
  4. The ability to use a tilt sensor for drawer openings.
  5. Noise detection.
  6. Customized annunciation. I like customized audio messages for various intrusion-related alerts.
  7. Integration with a door stop physical device. When bumped by a door, it would set off an alert. Great for closets in hotels.
  8. The use of your phone's flash as a strobe when an intrusion has been detected.
  9. Using a combination of alerts to determine the nature of your alert. I may want to know if the maid came into my room but I'd really be interested to know if they entered that closet I placed the door stop at.
  10. Remote SMS alarm disarm.
What would you want to see?

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