Monday, December 12, 2016

ProTip: When In Prison, Try To NOT Have Your Face In a Mannequin Challenge Video!!

I try not to be one of those "Check out this Darwin Awards Winner" kind of guys. Granted, in our industry, we see a lot of fail. One could say our very survival depends less on FUD and more on fail. Or is FUD a component of fail? I digress. There's a lot of stupid in the video below. The gist is simple:

  1. Geniuses, in prison, decided to FILM THEMSELVES IN PRISON doing the widely popular, "Mannequin Challenge".
  2. Said "geniuses" uploaded video of their collective stupidity to YouTube.
  3. Caught by San Diego County corrections dudes who are "currently investigating this incident".

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Somehow I Don't Think That Drone Has Been Registered With The FAA - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Check Out This Old School Intelligence Community Surveillance Detection Video

Note: Dude, again, I am not an intel dude. NOT my lane.

A few days ago, I wrote an article about how political parties could deal with a hostile foreign intelligence service actively targeting them for exploitation. One of the techniques I recommended revolved around avoiding physical surveillance. The video below goes into a lot of detail regarding surveillance detection routes. It appears to have been a declassified intelligence community video from the 1970s(?). This is for purely entertainment purposes. If you think you need to add this to your repertoire, then I suggest doing two things:
  1. Hire a professional to teach you. A video is no substitute for actual training. That said, the materials in this are dated and I would imagine any serious surveillance would have a suitable counter to any SDR. However; this sets a nice introduction into the topic.
  2. If you need this and you're going against any significant intelligence threat, you might be already screwed. Seriously.


This guy seems to know a lot more than I do on this stuff.

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